When a user tries to save after adding a time entry, it does not show up on the screen upon refreshing it in BillQuick Online/Web Suite.
The above could be due to a display or setting issue and not because of any problem with the program.
You can resolve this issue in one of the following ways:
1. Make sure that the date of the time entry you logged falls between the start and end dates as shown below. You can enter time for any date but for viewing entries, the Period/From-To date range matters.
2. You can also increase the number of line items (rows) to be displayed in the Time Entry grid using the Options > Rows drop-down. The default value is 15; however, you can display up to 500 entries that fall within the selected period. If the number of entries within the date range exceeds these number of rows, the entry list is paged. You will see the page numbers at the bottom of the grid as shown below. On clicking the page number, you will see the other entries that were not displayed in the previous list.