You can generate your invoices using the Billing module in ArchiOffice/EngineerOffice.
To generate and print final invoices in a batch:
1. Go to the Billing > Projects tab.
2. Select the projects you want to create invoices for. The ones with the green icon have unbilled time and expenses associated with them.
3. From the Action menu, select Generate Invoice. This creates all draft invoices at once and also gives you the option to review all of them in the Viewer (or print them).
4. Select View to quickly review all the draft invoices just created. It displays like a multi-page report.
5. If your draft invoices look accurate, then go to the Billing > Drafts tab.
6. Select all the drafts you want to print at once using the Select All button. Else, select the ones you want to print individually.
7. Next, select Finalize. All the draft invoices disappear from the list because they have been finalized and are no longer 'Drafts'.
8. Now go to the History tab. Select a date range to filter the invoice list.
9. Select the ones you want to print and choose Print from the Action menu.
10. The Viewer displays all the finalized invoices selected by you. You can print all the invoices now.
This process can save you hours; rather than creating draft invoices one at a time, you can generate invoices in a batch.