If you are using ArchiOffice, EngineerOffice or Web Suite on Microsoft Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 with Exchange 2010 running, you must limit the memory consumption of Exchange.
The Microsoft Exchange Information Store service that is a part of Exchange 2010 installed with SBS 2011 seems to continually grow in memory usage over time. To avoid this problem, you can limit the amount of memory Exchange is using. Note that you must set both a minimum as well as a maximum amount, else Exchange will not use your maximum value. To do so:
1. Start by opening ADSIedit--either click Start > Run > ADSIedit.msc or navigate to Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > ADSI Edit.
2. Right-click the root of the tree view on the left and select Connect To. Change the 'Select a well known Naming Context' drop-down to 'Configuration'. The other default settings are fine and should be set to this:
3. After being connected, you might want to navigate to the correct location: Configuration > Services > Microsoft Exchange > {Your Organization Name} > Administrative Groups > {Your Administrative Group} > Servers > {Your Server Name} > InformationStore.
4. Right-click InformationStore; edit both msExchESEParamCacheSizeMax and msExchESEParamCacheSizeMin. You must set both the minimum and maximum values for it to work properly--the values must relate to the pages in KB. For Exchange 2007, these are 8 KB pages and for Exchange 2010 they are 32 KB pages. See the table below for calculated values.
For now, we are using a minimum of 1 GB and a maximum of 4 GB on Exchange 2010.
5. After you make the changes, restart Microsoft Exchange Information Store service for the changes to become effective.
Memory Size in GB |
CacheSize Value for Exchange 2010 (32 KB pages) |
CacheSize Value for Exchange for 2007 (8 KB pages) |
1 |
32768 |
131072 |
2 |
65536 |
262144 |
3 |
98304 |
393216 |
4 |
131072 |
524288 |
6 |
196608 |
786432 |
8 |
262144 |
1048576 |
10 |
327680 |
1310720 |
12 |
393216 |
1572864 |
14 |
458752 |
1835008 |
16 |
524288 |
2097152 |
18 |
589824 |
2359296 |
20 |
655360 |
2621440 |
The formula used to calculate these values are:
Exchange 2010: (Number of GB * 1024 * 1024) / 32 = Target Cache Size
Exchange 2007: (Number of GB * 1024 * 1024) / 8 = Target Cache Size
Source: https://www.bdhtechnology.com/help/exchange_information_store_memory.php