By default, the ArchiOffice/EngineerOffice installer sets the documents and templates path as: X:\ ArchiOfficeData\20xx\ where X: is the physical drive on which IIS is installed. However, you must enter the path or location of these shared folders in the UNC format (\\ServerIPAddress\sharedfolder\ or \\\AO20xx_Docs). Here is how to do that:
1. Create new document folders or go to the existing folders on your file server, say C:\ ArchiOfficeData.
2. Right-click on the folder and select Properties>Sharing.
3. To define permissions for the ArchiOffice documents folder, click the Share button.
4. Type 'Everyone' and then set the Permission Level to Read/Write. Click Share.
5. Remember or copy the UNC path (\\MARVIN-PCW7\ArchiOfficeData) and then click Done.
6. Next, move to the Security tab and click Edit to change permissions.
7. On the Security screen, you will see a list of group or user names. Click Add to add another name to the list.
8. On the Select Users or Groups screen, click Advanced.
9. When the panel opens, click Find Now and highlight these users: IIS_IUSRS, IUSR, NETWORK SERVICE and Users.
And if they are on a domain, add Domain Users as well.
10. Click OK. Back on the Security screen, select each of those four users and check the Full Control Allow box for them.
11. Click Apply and then OK to exit.
12. Copy the Network Path of this shared folder (ArchiOfficeData) to the Preferences>Documents>Path screen and click Save.