How can selecting expense codes while making Expense Log entries be made easy in BillQuick?
You can do so using these features to achieve that:
You can do so using these features to achieve that:
Filters: Select the desired expense codes in the Expense filter on the Filters tab of the Expense Log screen.Default Expense Code: This is an option on the More tab of the Expense Log screen. When you select an expense code and check the option, it automatically gets this default code when you make a new Expense Log entry.Default Prefix For Expense: This is an option on the Appearance tab of the User Preferences screen. The use of this feature can be understood by the following example. Suppose a user usually incurs three expenses: GEN:CR, GEN:CM, and GEN:CNL. The three expenses have a common prefix: GEN:C; so this should be entered in the Default Prefix field. When the user makes an Expense Log entry, he just needs to type the remaining portion of the expense code, the prefix will be brought in automatically from User Preferences. Thus, to make an Expense Log entry for GEN:CM, M should be typed in the Expense Code field, it will automatically make it GEN:CM.